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World Heritage and Cities in Emergencies

Atti - Le Vie dei Mercanti_XXII International Forum

Formato: 17 x 24 cm


Pagine: 693

Anno edizione: 2024

ISBN: 9788849251289

EAN: 9788849251289

UB. INT. :


ARCHITECTURE HERITAGE and DESIGN | 15 Series founded and directed by Carmine Gambardella

World Heritage and Dwelling on Space – World Heritage and Cities in Emergencies: this is the title of the International Forum “Le Vie dei Mercanti” which reached its XXII Edition in 2024. A story of love for the Earth, its Inhabitants, Landscapes, Architecture, Cultural and Archaeological Heritage told by more than 7000 Scholars and Lecturers from all over the World to with the aim of integrating expertise, sharing and disseminating scientific knowledge and implementing best practices to protect and safeguard our planet. The focus of the Forum is no longer be only Inhabiting the Earth but is stretched and extended to Inhabiting Space, in a broader sense, to reflect on the impact of natural ecological disasters and armed conflicts on Cultural Heritage. Now more than ever, with the war in Ukraine, geographically closer than others, and with the latest events in the Middle East, the theme of wars and conflicts has become even more present in our lives. Armed conflicts, synonymous with death and destruction, as well as weakening the social and economic fabric, put at risk the cultural heritage of besieged countries whose destruction has a strong symbolic as well as strategic significance because of the enormous identity value that resides in cultural heritage which stimulates a sense of belonging and social cohesion. And it is precisely in order to deal with the tragic devastation of entire cities and territories and the terrible wound inflicted on the cultural heritage of peoples that the scientific community must create starting points to implement important and immediate actions aimed at safeguarding monuments, architectural works, archaeological sites, works of art, manuscripts, books and other objects of artistic, historical or archaeological interest, as well as scientific collections of all kinds. If the future is an eternal now, as I remind every year, it is good for the Academy, Scientific Institutions, civil society, and stakeholders involved to make their knowledge and expertise available to promote a more widespread and in-depth knowledge on the issues regarding the safeguarding cultural heritage during armed conflicts.

World Heritage and Dwelling on Space – World Heritage and Cities in Emergencies: è questo il titolo del Forum Internazionale “Le Vie dei Mercanti”, che nel 2024 ha raggiunto la sua XXII Edizione. Una storia d’amore per la Terra, per i suoi Abitanti, i Paesaggi, l’Architettura, i Beni Culturali e Archeologici raccontata da oltre 7000 Studiosi e Docenti da tutto il Mondo per integrare competenze, condividere e diffondere conoscenze scientifiche e mettere in atto best practices volte alla protezione e salvaguardia del nostro pianeta. L’obiettivo del Forum non è più solo quello di Abitare la Terra ma è proteso e si estende verso l’Abitare lo Spazio, in senso più ampio, per riflettere sull’impatto dei disastri ecologici naturali e dei conflitti armati sul Patrimonio Culturale. Oggi più che mai, con la guerra in Ucraina, geograficamente più vicina di altre, e con gli ultimi avvenimenti in Medio Oriente, il tema delle guerre e dei conflitti si è fatto ancor più presente nelle nostre vite. I conflitti armati, sinonimo di morte e distruzioni, oltre che di indebolimento del tessuto sociale ed economico, mettono a rischio il patrimonio culturale dei paesi assediati la cui distruzione ha un forte significato simbolico oltre che strategico per l’enorme valore identitario che risiede nel patrimonio culturale che stimola senso di appartenenza e coesione sociale. Ed è proprio per far fronte alla tragica devastazione di intere città e territori e alla terribile ferita inflitta al patrimonio culturale dei popoli, che la comunità scientifica deve creare spunti per mettere in atto azioni importanti ed immediate volte alla salvaguardia di monumenti, opere architettoniche, siti archeologici, opere d’arte, manoscritti, libri e altri oggetti di interesse artistico, storico o archeologico, nonché collezioni scientifiche di qualsiasi tipo. Se il futuro è un eterno presente, come ricordo ogni anno, è bene che l’Accademia, le Istituzioni Scientifiche, la società civile, gli stakeholders coinvolti, mettano a disposizione le loro conoscenze e competenze per promuovere una più diffusa e approfondita conoscenza sui temi della salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale durante i conflitti armati.

CARMINE GAMBARDELLA, UNESCO Chairholder on Landscape, Cultural Heritage, and Territorial Governance; President and CEO of the Benecon University Consortium – Research Centre on Cultural Heritage, Ecology, Economy (Pegaso University, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, University Federico II of Naples, University of Salerno, University of Sannio). Full Professor of Drawing at the Pegaso University and at the University of Campania. President of the International Forum ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’ since its first edition in 2003 to the XXI edition in 2023. Editor and Founder of the series “Surveying is/or Project”, “Knowledge Factory” and “Architecture, Heritage and Design”. Component of the Scientific Committee of International A Class Magazine ‘Abitare la Terra’/‘Dwelling on Earth‘ (Gangemi Editore International Publishing). He covered various roles for the University of Campania, including the Pro Rector of Institutions, Academic Senator, Director of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design Luigi Vanvitelli, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Luigi Vanvitelli, Director of the Department of Culture of Design, Director of Doctoral School in the Discipline of Architecture, Coordinator of the PhD in Protection, Safety and Representation of the Environment and Structures and Territorial Governance, Coordinator of the PhD Program in Surveying and Representation of Architecture and the Environment. He is author of numerous scientific international papers, publications and proceedings on surveying and representation of the built and natural heritage.

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