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Cranio Sacral Energetics

Frontiers in the CranioSacral Concepts

Autori: Crisera Peter

Full English text

Formato: 17 x 24 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 480

Anno edizione: 2025

ISBN: 9788849251470

EAN: 9788849251470

UB. INT. :


Polarity assembles and propels all inanimate matter, such as the Universe, and spins them into active biological systems (its inhabitants) under suitable conditions, i.e., the Goldilocks principle. Is there a primordial polarity that evolves phylogenetically and ontogenetically, which is responsible for all things and their activities? If so, is there a primary polarity with its rhythmic action, i.e., primary respiration, typical to all living systems and responsible for its very existence and purpose? Is this purpose none other than the instincts that drive or motivate us to be? This book attempts to answer these questions about primary respiration, which we, chiropractors, call innate intelligence.

PETER CRISERA is a graduate of the University of Miami, Florida, in biology and chemistry with experience in clinical and basic research in cytogenetics and immunology, a Doctor of Chiropractic from the National College of Chiropractic, and a DIBAK in Applied Kinesiology by Doctor George Goodheart and David Leaf. His primary interest is to assemble many of the ideas and practices in Applied Kinesiology into a coherent format by applying the CranioSacral Concept. He initially practiced chiropractic in Miami, Florida, and Saudi Arabia, and now in Rome, Italy, since 1985. One of his relevant publications on the subject matter is “Cytological Implications of Primary Respiration,” in the Medical Hypothesis Journal. He is preparing for a new publication, The Practices and Principles of Applied CranioSacral Energetics, and a teaching program in Applied Kinesiology.

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