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America illustrata / America illustrated

The Yorker

Facing English text

Formato: 22 x 24 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 272

Anno edizione: 2000

ISBN: 9788849200188

EAN: 8849200188

UB. INT. : T503B V00f V12c V43a


Catalogo della Mostra realizzata dal Comune di Reggio Calabria sull’illustrazione americana contemporanea, presentata in tutta la sua ricchezza, dall’essenzialità del fumetto al barocco dello spettacolo, dallo stile pittorico alla critica sociale, dalla fiction letteraria all’espressività del ritratto.
150 opere di 37 illustratori americani, disegni inediti, 80 copertine originali del “The New Yorker”.

“America illustrated” is an exemplary project in terms of international meeting opportunities because it enables the ltalian public to get in contact, neither accidentally nor superficially, with a specific context as the one represented by contemporary illustration, where trends and attitudes different from those encountered throughout our cultural territories act and grow. At the same time its approach enables the viewers to catch the similarities and analogies that still exist within the European culture.
This is made possible thanks to the connection between the exhibition section dedicated to the thirty-seven artists and the investigation carried out through the section attended to by “The New Yorker” magazine. Furthermore, with the international meeting and thanks to the presence of experts, illustrators, writers and publishing professionals, this event provides the public with a scheme of thoughts and references that combine together the flow of feelings and emotions that wraps us in while looking at the works . I sincerely thank those artists who dedicated their unpublished drawings to Rome in the Jubilee Year both far the artistic value of their works and far the meaning of this tribute which we really appreciate because it gives us the opportunity to look over our city through their eyes and to evaluate the impact that this city has on their aesthetic representation capability. Finally, I thank the Embassy of the United States of America far its co-operation and the General Direction far Cultural Promotion and Co-operation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs whose sup­ port has contributed to make the most of this initiative.

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