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Digital Universities V.4 (2017) n. 1-2

International best practices and applications

Full English text

Formato: 21 x 29,7 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 168

Anno edizione: 2017

ISBN: 9788849234244

EAN: 977238529900370002

UB. INT. : T405F



No adjunct faculty left behind: emerging trends in online learning for the 21st Century
Pamela Allen, Carlos Tasso De Aquino

Institutional actions vs. factors influencing distance learning faculty: a Delphi approach
Robert Armbrust, Edythe Mcnickle, Richard LaMontagne, Johnny Morris

Strategies for success: helping online students with time management and technology concerns
Stacey Atiyeh, Donna Busarow, Deanna Lauer

The use of the website (odontoweb) and Facebook (new terminology) for the diffusion of international histological and embryological terminology
Rodolfo Esteban Avila, María Elena Samar

Part-time faculty’s full-time commitment. Enhancing faculty development
Ajamu Banjoko

Students’ perception of online, blended or face to face instruction in technical education
Raquel C. Bethel

Prioritizing critical success factors for higher education: a cost program design perspective for non-traditional North Carolina students
Catherine Burr

An andragogical approach to blended learning at the university graduate level
Audrey Ellison, Patricia D’Urso

Online adjunct higher education teachers’ perceptions of using social media sites as instructional approaches
Barbara Fedock, Melissa McCartney, Jack Avella, Doug Neeley

Delivering government funded personalized pathways: a blended learning solution
Mark Griffiths

360 degree videos as a tool of virtual reality
Ali Kirksekiz, Mübin Kiyici, Talha Kantaroglu

Net generations’ profiles of net generation teachers
Mubin Kiyici, Ali Kirksekiz

Preschool teacher candidates’ views regarding web based instruction
Suat Kol

Embracing values: from online education to community impact
Catherine Lovett

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