Fuori commercio

El Nuevo Polo de Excelencia en el ámbito del Territorio Tiburtino

la constucción de un sistema integrado de gestión

Autori: Aa.Vv.

Spanish text

Formato: 17 x 34 cm

Legatura: Volume a schede

Pagine: 24

Anno edizione: 2008

ISBN: GE6058

EAN: GE6058

UB. INT. : T237C V03a


This volume contains a collection of studies and analyses carried out during a “First Assessment Phase” prior to the creation of a “Conservation Master Plan for Chengde Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples”. The Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, located at Chengde, in Hebei Province, is a highly significant site for its historical, artistic and scientific resources.
The research activities reported herein were carried out during the multidisciplinary training course titled “The Conservation of Ancient Monuments and Historical Sites”. The course was organised by the Sino-Italian Conservation Training Centre (Beijing) in 2007 as part of a project funded by the Italian Development Cooperation branch of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; it was conducted by the Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (Is.I.A.O.).
Las políticas culturales tienen que encontrar un punto de equilibrio entre el interés público y privado, vocación pública y institucionalización de la cultura. Un exceso de institucionalización, o el predominio del mercado como único adjudicatario de recursos culturale, comporta riesgos y impide el desarrollo dinámico de los sistemas culturales.
Barcellona 2004, Agenda 21, Principios

This volume contains a collection of studies and analyses carried out during a “First Assessment Phase” prior to the creation of a “Conservation Master Plan for Chengde Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples”. The Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, located at Chengde, in Hebei Province, is a highly significant site for its historical, artistic and scientific resources.
The research activities reported herein were carried out during the multidisciplinary training course titled “The Conservation of Ancient Monuments and Historical Sites”. The course was organised by the Sino-Italian Conservation Training Centre (Beijing) in 2007 as part of a project funded by the Italian Development Cooperation branch of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; it was conducted by the Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (Is.I.A.O.).
El equilibrio medio ambiental no es ni constante ni inalterable, pero su salvaguardia constituye un elemento imprescindible para la propia existencia del hombre y cada intervención tiene que garantizar la naturalidad de los lugares, restaurando la justa relación entre los componentes naturales y las funciines antrópicas.
Las diferentes premisas sociales, técnicas y culturales, junto con el patrimonio figurativo y estético proprio de cada época, han determinado la realización de distintos testimonios, formas y estilos en un constante e imparable desarrollo. Los proyectos para la realización de la integración constituyen la base de una política cultural especifica dirigida al desarrollo dinámico del sistema Polo Tiburtino, garantizado por un justo equilibrio entre el interés público y privado, vocación pública e institucionalización de la cultura.

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