Energy, Environment and Technological Innovation
Conferences and contribution of the 4th International Congress
A cura di: De Martino Antonio
Full English text
Formato: 17 x 24 cm
Legatura: Filorefe
Pagine: 192
Anno edizione: 2001
ISBN: 9788849202038
EAN: 8849202032
UB. INT. : T408E V03a V41e
The upcoming Congress is the fourth of a series which originates with the Congress held in Caracas in 1989, followed by the second one, held in Rome in 1992, and the third one, in Caracas in 1995. The fourth Congress will take place in Rome, organized by the «La Sapienza» and «Roma Tre» Universities and Universidad Central de Venezuela. As in the past, the Congress addresses researchers, public and private institutions and the manufacturing industry on the most relevant environmental aspects. Its aim is to offer a place of encounter where different experiences can be compared, to indicate trends, actions and connections in urban policies for a rational use of resources and in-particular for the use of alternative sources of energy, with due respect for the environment, accomplished in economically feasible ways, through the adoption of methods, techniques and products of the most advanced researches and technological innovations. The Congress intends to offer the opportunity for high level scientific debate, while at the same time creating an occasion for communication between researchers, manufacturers and public administrators on the problems related to regional and urban management. The Congress is subdivided into Symposia dealing with specific themes related to each other; Round Tables on production, research and training aspects; General Lectures that will focus on the State of the Art of selected topics.
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