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FormaMente Unico 2017
A cura di: Briganti Alessandra
Formato: 21 x 29,7 cm
Legatura: Filorefe
Pagine: 248
Anno edizione: 2018
ISBN: 9788849234213
EAN: 977197071100570001
UB. INT. : T450D V54g
New teaching paradigms in the incoming new machine age revolution
Michele Petrocelli
Move forward Industry 4.0 training needs
Arturo Lavalle, Christian-Andreas Schumann, Robert Pucher, Eric Forkel, Julia Kauper
How virtualization, decentralization and network building change the manufacturing landscape: an Industry 4.0 perspective
Malte Brettel, Niklas Friederichsen, Michael Keller, Marius Rosenberg
The synergy between manipulative and digital artefacts in a mathematics teaching activity: a co-disciplinary perspective
Eleonora Faggiano, Antonella Montone, Pier Giuseppe Rossi
The impact of perception and presence on emotional reactions
A review of research in virtual reality
Julia Elisabeth Diemer, Georg W Alpers, Henrik M Peperkorn, Youssef Shiban, Andreas Mühlberger
Toward Cyber ports: a geopolitical and global challenge
Andrea Chiappetta
Personal branding and job hunting 4.0: Epbe project
Susanna Correnti
Beehive challenges to reinforce Asian University entrepreneurship
Ilaria Reggiani
Life cycle assessment of a virtual reality device
Andrae S. G. Anders
The spectrum of learning analytics
Gerd Kortemeyer
Learning to teach architecture in the information age
Vasiliki Geropanta, Antonios Papamanolis
Use of localization technologies and traffic prediction for the transportation assignment problem
Fabio Pompei, Romeo Giuliano
Industrial Policy Strategy (2017): investing in a smart, innovative and sustainable industry
European Commission
Broading the European political space on present challenges
Maurizio Serio
E-Learning in the age of the semantic web
Carlo Bosna
Social networks for job search: the Job Hunter 4.0
Angeliki Giannakopoulou
GUIDE Association next conference in Rome
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