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Journal Of Public Finance and Public Choice n. 1/2007

Rivista quadrimestrale in lingua inglese sull'economia delle scelte pubbliche

Formato: 17 X 24 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 96

Anno edizione: 2008

ISBN: 9788849215106

EAN: 884921510X

UB. INT. : T438H



Roger D. Congleton
The Moral Voter Hypothesis: Economic and Normative Aspects of Public Policy and Law
Within Democracies

Alberto Heimler
Abuse of Dominance: Qow Oar are the US?

Ferruccio Ponzano
The Allocation of the Income Tax among Different Levels of Gvernment: a Theoretical

Paulo Reis Mourao
The Economics of Illusion. A Discussion Based on Fiscal Illusion

Andersson, K. – Eberhartinger, E. – Oxelheim, L. (eds), National Tax Policy
in Europe
(Emma Galli)

Maskus, K. E. – Reichman, J. H., International Public Goods and Transfer
of Tecnology. Under a Globalized Intellectual Property Regime
(Veronica Grambi)

Wagner, R. E., Fiscal Sociology and the Theory of Public Finance –
An Exploratory Essay
(Domenico Da Empoli)
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