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Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice n. 1-3/2011

Rivista quadrimestrale in lingua inglese sull'economia delle scelte pubbliche

A cura di: da Empoli Domenico

Full English text

Formato: 17 x 24 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 224

Anno edizione: 2013

ISBN: 9788849226997

EAN: 8849226993

UB. INT. : T309A



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On the Development of the Theory of Fiscal Federalism:
An Essay in the History of (Recent) Economic Thought

Yong J. Yoon
An Analogy: Symmetric Tragedies and Calculus of Consent

Richard J. Cebula
An Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Recent Federal Personal Income Tax Evasion in the U.S.

Michelle B. Matthews – William F. Shughart II – Taylor P. Stevenson
Political Arithmetic: New Evidence on the ‘Small-State Bias’ in Federal Spending

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Determinants of Immigration Policy: An Empirical Study of US Legislative Voting

Caterina Astarita
Income Inequality and Crime: An Empirical Analysis of the Italian Case

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The Impact of French Privatization on Firms’ Performance

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Local Sales Tax and Revenue Volatility

Massimo Di Matteo
Towards a Social Philosophy for the Twenty First Century: Critical Reflections on an Unpublished Essay by Richard Goodwin

Michele G. Giuranno
The Logic of Party Coalitions with Political Activism


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