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A cura di: Jacobitti Gian Marco
Italian text with English and French abstracts
Formato: 21 x 29,7 cm
Legatura: Filorefe
Pagine: 152
Anno edizione: 1994
ISBN: 9788874485321
EAN: 8874485328
UB. INT. : T411H V02b V43c
Nel 1991 una équipe interdisciplinare – con la partecipazione di docenti e tecnici universitari, funzionari del Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, specialisti nella conservazione delle opere d’arte – ha svolto tutte le indagini e gli studi necessari per la redazione del progetto di restauro della chiesa della Madonna del Segno a Podol’sk, Mosca, appena restituita al culto nell’ex U.R.S.S.
Nel volume ne sono presenti gli studi, i rilievi, il progetto, in una raccolta di saggi cui ha partecipato anche l’istituto di Architettura di Mosca.
This publication is meant to be, besides a summary report on the study-mission made at Podol’sk in July 1991, a witness borne to cooperation between international bodies. The purpose of the mission was both to develop, by means of surveys and investigations, the methodologies to be followed during a future restoration, and also to make the local technical people participants in these methodologies, in order to formulate, design and carry out the restoration of a building of great architectural value. The mission was able to discover and describe the state of general and advanced deterioration of the structures, which had come about owing to lack of continual maintenance, to mistakenly-carried out restorations in past years, and to climate factors (acid rains, wide temperature swings, moisture), all of which will make the salvage of the architectural organism expensive and of considerable technical difficulty. This study is a point of departure, made in the hope that international interest will be attracted that will lead to the appropriation of the necessary funds.
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