Fuori commercio

RE-thinking Access to Energy Business Models

Ways to Walk the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Talk in Sub-Saharan Africa

Full English text

Formato: 22 x 24 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 144

Anno edizione: 2019

ISBN: 9788849238044

EAN: 9788849238044

UB. INT. : V39D


This study aims at exploring business models and innovative approaches, as well as understanding technical, social, regulatory and financial barriers, to foster the growth of decentralized renewable energy solutions in Africa. In this way, RES4Africa Foundation aims to contribute to the achievement of access to energy for all and ultimately, through inclusive growth and sustainable development, to the creation of a prosperous Africa.

Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa (RES4Africa) Foundation promotes the deployment of large scale and decentralized renewable energy in African markets to meet local energy needs for growth. RES4Africa gathers a member network from across the clean energy value chain and supports the creation of an enabling environment for renewable energy investments and strategic partnerships

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