Tarot Cards
Meditation and Music
Autori: Battisti D'Amario Bruno
Full English text - con CD-ROM musica classica solo per edizione carta
Formato: 24 x 22 cm
Legatura: Filorefe
Pagine: 64
Anno edizione: 2011
ISBN: 9788849220537
EAN: 8849220537
UB. INT. : T459F V42f V34f
This very interesting and fascinating project to couple the symbolic value of tarot cards with closely associated sounds is the brainchild of Maestro Bruno Battista D’Amario, a famous concert guitarist and teacher at the Santa Cecilia State Conservatory of Music in Rome. The 22 figures of the Major Arcana of Tarot Cards are all interrelated, symbolising a moral journey as well as several important key concepts – a journey of “inner discovery” (nosce te ipsum).
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