Fuori commercio

The Venerabile 2021

Vol. XXXVII - No. 1

A cura di: O'Brien Joseph

Formato: 15 x 24 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 128

Anno edizione: 2021

ISBN: 9788849241457

EAN: 9788849241457

UB. INT. : V39f


Joseph O’Brien

Mgr Philip Whitmore, Rector of the Venerable English College 2013-21
Fr John Flynn

Saint Thomas of Canterbury: a great College patron
Fr John Flynn

A Reflection for Martyrs’ Day
Mgr Mark Langham

A Tudor Quincentenary
Maurice Whitehead

Hidden Liturgical Books of the English College
Fr Anthony Fyk

The Catholic Church and Same-Sex Attractions: A Radical Invitation
Fr Philip G. Bochanski

A Pastoral Reflection on the Coronavirus Pandemic
Archbishop George Stack

The Year of Saint Joseph
Fr Konrad Grech, SJ

The English College in the 1960s
Anthony Laird

Experiences of the Anglican Exchange Programme
Sion Hughes Carew

News from the College Archives, 2020-21
Maurice Whitehead

The Year in Pictures
Joseph O’Brien

The College Diary 2020-21
Fr Alexander Balzanella

Leavers’ Profiles
Fr Alexander Balzanella
Fr Peter Ellul
Rev. Anthony Fyk
Rev. Elliot Hanson
Torbjørn Holt
Rev. David Irwin
Fr Dominic Jenkinson
Fr Aayrton Muscat

The Roman Association
The Council
Diocesan Representatives
The Minutes of the 151st Annual General Meeting
Rector’s Report to the Roman Association 2020-21
News from Old Romans

Nicholas Coote
Mgr Mark Langham

Report of the Friends of the Venerabile
Michael Lang

House List 2020-21

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