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World Heritage and Contamination
Architecture | Culture | Environment | Agriculture | Health | Economy | Landscape | Design | Territorial Governance | Archaeology | e-Learning. Le Vie dei Mercanti XVIII International Forum
A cura di: Gambardella Carmine
Full English text
Formato: 21 x 29,7 cm
Legatura: Filorefe
Pagine: 1232
Anno edizione: 2020
ISBN: 9788849239379
EAN: 9788849239379
UB. INT. :
ARCHITECTURE HERITAGE and DESIGN | 6 Series founded and directed by Carmine Gambardella
The XVIII edition of the Forum titled ‘World Heritage and Contamination’ aims to create a cross-critical dialogue, open to cultural contamination and ‘without limits’, in a logic of integration between competences which extends, and is not limited to, the following disciplines: Architecture, Culture, Environment, Agriculture, Health, Landscape, Design, Territorial Governance, Archeology, Economy, e-Learning. The activities of protection and promotion of World Heritage, understood as a asset shared by all Humanity, are particularly relevant in Italy, responsible towards the world of custody of the largest number of assets protected by the UNESCO. To the World Heritage Properties is added a landscape heritage of enormous variety and beauty to be protected also through the regeneration of degradation and of the ‘minor heritage’, in line with the provisions of the UNESCO Conventions on material and intangible assets as well as the European Landscape Convention.
CARMINE GAMBARDELLA, UNESCO Chairholder on Landscape, Cultural Heritage, and Territorial Governance; President and CEO of Benecon SCaRL University Consortium – Research Centre on Cultural Heritage, Ecology, Economy (University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Pegaso University, University Federico II of Naples, University of Salerno, University of Sannio). Full Professor of Drawing at the Pegaso University and at the University of Campania. President of the International Forum “Le Vie dei Mercanti” since its first edition in 2003 to the XVIII edition in 2020. Editor and Founder of the series “Surveying is/or Project”, “Knowledge Factory” and “Architecture, Heritage and Design”. Component of the Scientific Committee of International Class A Magazine Abitare la Terra / Dwelling on Earth (Gangemi Editor International Publishing). He covered various roles for the University of Campania, including the Pro Rector of Institutions, Academic Senator, Director of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design Luigi Vanvitelli, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Luigi Vanvitelli, Director of the Department of Culture of Design, Director of Doctoral School in the Discipline of Architecture, Coordinator of the PhD in Protection, Safety and Representation of the Environment and Structures and Territorial Governance, Coordinator of the PhD Program in Surveying and Representation of Architecture and the Environment. He is author of numerous scientific international papers, publications and proceedings on surveying and representation of the built and natural heritage.
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