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World Heritage and Knowledge

Representation | Restoration | Redesign | Resilience. Le Vie dei Mercanti – XVI International Forum

Full English text

Formato: 17 x 24 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 216

Anno edizione: 2018

ISBN: 9788849236293

EAN: 9788849236293

UB. INT. : V11e V39d


ARCHITECTURE HERITAGE and DESIGN | 1 Series founded and directed by Carmine Gambardella

During his academic career he has covered various roles including the Pro-Rector of Institutions, Academic Senator, Member of the Board, Director of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design Luigi Vanvitelli, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Luigi Vanvitelli, Director of the Department of Culture of the Project, Director of Doctoral School in the Discipline of Architecture, Coordinator of the PhD in Protection, Safety and Representation of the Environment and Structures and Territorial Governance, Coordinator of the PhD Program in Surveying and Representation of Architecture and the Environment, President of the Course Degree in Industrial Design. He has also been scientifically responsible for noteworthy national and international research project. He is author of numerous scientific papers on the important issues of the surveying and representation of the built and natural heritage.

CARMINE GAMBARDELLA, UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage, and Territorial Governance; President and CEO of Benecon SCaRL Research Centre on Cultural Heritage, Ecology and Economy (Consortium of five Universities: University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Pegaso University, University Federico II of Naples, University of Salerno, University of Sannio). Pro-Rector at the European Polytechnical University, EPU. Professor of Drawing at the Pegaso University and at the University of Campania. President of the International Forum of Studies ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’ since its first edition in 2003. Honorary President of the Italian Committee of the Nation Fulbright Sector on Cultural Heritage Sustainable Development, Urban Planning, Architecture and Management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Editor and Founder of the series “Surveying is/or Project” and “Knowledge Factory”, “Architecture, Heritage and Design”. Component of the Scientific Committee of International Class A Magazine ‘Abitare la Terra’/ ‘Dwelling on Earth’.

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