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What is Freemasonry?

Interview with Grand Master Gustavo Raffi

A cura di: Gambi Paolo

Full English text

Formato: 15 x 21 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 112

Anno edizione: 2011

ISBN: 9788849222135

EAN: 8849222130

UB. INT. : T438B V43b V36h V24i


What is Freemasonry
Esoterism and morals
Pedagogy and dialogue
Laicism, ethics
Freemasonry and Christianity
The Great Architect of the Universe
God for Masons
Science and faith to serve Man
An updated tradition
The right to be Masons
The right to happiness
Globalisation and the market
A new Humanism
In praise of schools
A Freemasonry for Italy

A review of the philosophy of the “Grand Master of Spring”. A journey through esoterism, the pedagogy of dialogue, the Great Architect of the Universe, laicism, the eternal conflict between science and faith, the sacrosanct right to the pursuit of happiness, with a critical analysis and proposals for the near future.

GUSTAVO RAFFI (Bagnacavallo, 1944) is a civil and maritime law lawyer. Regional Secretary of Ravenna and national advisor of the PRI (Italian Republican Party) in the second half of the eighties. Scholar of the Risorgimento, member of the Board of Directors of the Archivio Trimestrale (the historical review of the Republican movement) and member of theMinisterial Committee for the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Garibaldi, and other associations celebrating Mazzini and Garibaldi. Freemason of the Grand Orient of Italy since 1968. President of the College of VenerableMasters of Emilia Romagna, later Grand Orator between 1990-1993. He was elected GrandMaster in 1990 and reconfirmed in 2004. He has been credited with the recent revival of the Institution.

PAOLO GAMBI, born in 1979, is an author, a journalist and a life coach; he is Contributing Editor of The Catholic Herald (London), has worked for the Financial Times in London and for several magazines and newspapers around the world. He has written 14 books. He has also worked for the Italian tv.

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