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“ … less fashionable or immediately appreciable topics, accompanied by lengthy notes and backed by meticulous studies and archival
research, lists of names, places, ideas, as well as extensive illustrations that are more informative than decorative. Books that age slowly,
when out of print, will be provided on microcards; we have also expanded our interest in contemporary issues, in the diffusion of European
culture to other continents, in the rationale and basics of economics; we have also focused intensely on linking several current ideological
discussions to their historic roots. However, time will decide, accompanied – we hope – by rigour and modesty… ”
critic and historian of Italian art and architecture, teacher in numerous Italian and American
Universities, including Pennsylvania State University, the University of North Carolina,
the Politecnico di Milano and Tor Vergata University in Rome
“ … Not only due to the need for further in-depth studies, psychologies, and research, but also in order to tell stories, and keep telling
them: each real form of knowledge and culture becomes cognisant when communicated by a story, by the reader’s poetic empathy with the
“here and now” of his or her own daily life. The Publisher’s unique driving force (curiosity and discovery), together with the Utopia that
runs through and characterises its catalogue, is to “change the face of the earth” as well as fully understand its histories and monuments:
so essential if we wish to invert the tendency for destruction and develop new tools to win back the future: the future is here… ”
renowned urban planner and essayist, member of the Fondazione Olivetti,
Director of the magazine Controspazio
“ …The book tells the story of a research spanning more than sixty years; the objective was to turn architecture into a language
capable of expressing emotions, hopes, choices, and rejections. Thanks to the very careful way in which it has been put together it also
pays homage to a tradition, that of books, and the tactile importance of real objects, something no other means of communication can
replace. I dedicate this book to my friend Giuseppe Gangemi who, with the help of his dear children, Fabio and Emilia, has founded a
publishing house that is a credit to the city of Rome…
one of the foremost protagonists of contemporary architecture in the world, architectural historian,
Teacher at La Sapienza University in Rome, Director of the magazine Abitare la Terra,
author, amongst other works, of the Dictionary or Architecture and Urban Planning
“ It’s no accident that architecture was the first subject Gangemi chose to focus on. Its guides are in fact guides to knowledge in the
deepest sense of the word; they probe the meaning of dwelling, of the wohnen which, amongst modern philosophers, was specifically
investigated by Martin Heidegger. The guides contain statistical data and important and enlightening historical information, but they
are also enhanced by extremely beautiful photographs that are not just illustrative documents bearing witness to a lifestyle, a mentality,
a Zeitgeist or the “spirit of the age”. This is why the Gangemi publishing house has, unsurprisingly, broadened its cultural horizon
and launched a non-fiction series ranging from philosophy and sociology to literature and linguistics, not to mention the “junior
series” for younger readers, with photography and music. It is not paraliterature or belles-lettres to tickle the vanity of retired writers,
intellectuals, or men of letters. These series deal with the real problems of our age. They open windows on the future. They input into
the construction of a historical self-conscience, so very necessary in our current forgetful and disoriented world. ”
sociologist, teacher at La Sapiernza University in Rome, he has held classes in
many universities in Europe, North America, Russia, Japan and Latin America
“ “Earth” archaeology – to distinguish it from the classical discipline (“archaeology and history of Greek and Roman art”) – had
already begun to be practiced in the late 19th century. The excavations in India by the British archaeologist Sir Leonard Wolley played a
very important role in the “invention” of “square trench” excavation that created deep passages through the earth, so-called “bridles”;
the latter allowed technicians and wheelbarrows to access the path over the underlying ancient structures from different eras, even at
great depths. More recently, this system was used in Argos by Paul Courbin (E.FR.d’Ath) and, with suitable adjustments, in Italy, in the
excavations of the Ionic Temple in Siracusa and the area of the Prefecture. The square trench technique was later replaced by the “large
area excavation” implemented in Italy by A. Carandini and the use of stratigraphic units. Apart from all the many interesting subjects
and topics in the catalogue, the Gangemi Publishing House also focuses on “earth” archaeology which, in a slick editorial format, is
available to all categories of readers, including historians and geographers of antiquity and, sometimes, politicians interested in the
ancient world.
renowned archaeologist, former Superintendent in Siracusa, Piedmont and Southern Etruria, former Teacher at the
University of Calabria and the Tuscia, Member of the Accademia dei Lincei, honorary citizen of Melilli (Siracusa)