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“    I was born in Rosarno in Calabria, lived in Scilla, and went to high school in Reggio. So for me, as a Calabrian, Gangemi was
    first and foremost the name of a bookshop along Corso Garibaldi when Giuseppe Gangemi got in touch and proposed I supervise
    the first two volumes of the History of Calabria (published in 1987 and 1994). It was one of my first experiences as the curator of a
    collective work; I had to come up with a straightforward, functional approach and layout, but also assign the various authors with their
    individual tasks, and then chase after them so that their respected their deadlines (in this I was helped by Maurizio Paoletti). The long
    gestation period saw the publication of other ‘collective’ volumes, in particular the catalogues of the exhibitions about the excavations
    in Settefinestre and centuriation, but it also coincided with my first curatorship with Einaudi: the three volumes of Memoris dell’antico
    nell’arte italiana. The local patriotism I shared with the publisher while putting together the history of ancient Calabria also led to the
    publication of the volume Archaeologia in Calabria. Figure e temi, a collection of my ‘minor works’ published by Gangemi in 1987. At
    the time Gangemi appeared to be a publisher who focused prevalently on regional issues, but when he opened an office in Rome his
    ambition became clear: to create a much broader and far-reaching publishing house. I am particularly pleased that in 2023 Gangemi
    published the wonderful photographic Atlas of Trajan’s Column; as described so well in the book, forty years later it completes the
    project that I had put on paper in the eighties. I have worked with Gangemi during two separate periods, with a long interval in-
                                                                                ”            SALVATORE SETTIS
    between. But we have always shared a common milieu, reciprocal esteem, and friendship.

                                                 archaeologist and art historian, President of the Conseil Scientifique
                                      of the Louvre Museum, former director of the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
                                       and the Getty Centre for the History of Art and the Humanities in Los Angeles

    “    This bronze group, made using the lost-wax casting process, was inspired by the matriarchal society of the seaside town of Bagnara,
    where it is the women who perform life’s daily chores: the erect figure (a modern caryatid) is carrying big baskets of fish - the product
    of the fishing activity performed by the men. A statuary matron wearing her typical dress, bodice tied tightly under her breasts and a
    pleated skirt; hiding her belly, swollen due to too many pregnancies. The work, dedicated to the editor, Gangemi, is a tribute to his
    character as a worker who, during his everyday commitments, never forgot his own roots - roots that led to the creation of a cultural
                                               ”                                              MICHELE DI RACO
    space inspired by his very long, daily working life”.

                                                                            sculptor, writer, director, author or works
                                                                present in numerous museums and public institutions

    “    The Gangemi publishing house had fuelled its successful catalogue by exploiting its excellent creative skills as a publisher – talent,
    style, eloquence, flexibility, diplomacy, and versatility when working with its authors face-to-face. So it’s no wonder that the company
    has been rewarded with a large-scale expansion that cannot be measured with the palm of your hand or simple statistical calculations.
    The quantum leap, which we should reflect on by focusing above all on its rare and excellent books, is as substantial and significant
    as its is surprisingly and efficiently silent. It can be explained to an observer by referring to another factor: the timely decision by the
    founder of the publishing house - Giuseppe Gangemi - to insert its second-generation representatives into its team: his children,
    Fabio and Emilia. They enthusiastically adhered to their father’s legacy, making it their own; reviewing and regenerating it under
    their father’s watchful eye. Without wanting to sound particularly biased, I feel it my duty to express, once again, my gratitude to
    Giuseppe Gangemi, for his incomparable affection for the untimely loss of my son and art critique Antonio. Gangemi’s delicate nature
    and generosity led him to share my loss by offering to publish the hefty volume marking the first anniversary of his death: an intense
    demonstration of a unique and almost fraternal solidarity representing the indelible seal of an indestructible solidity, even as regards
    cultural programmes that produced more than virtual results, already bequeathed to the history of culture.  ”
                                                                                     FRANCESCO MERCADANTE
                                              Professor emeritus of Philosophy of Law, Director of the Encyclopedia of Law,
                                                      founder and President of the Fondazione Nazionale “G. Capograssi”,
                       Director, together with Gabriele De Rosa and Pellegrino Capaldo, of the “Nuovo Millennio” collection

    “    I remember when the Gangemi Publishing House was founded more or less fifty years ago and have seen how it has grown in parallel to
    the life of the publisher, Giuseppe; over the years our relationship has evolved into a sincere friendship, also with his children, Emilia and
    Fabio, his partners in this editorial business. From the very beginning, Giuseppe Gangemi launched a process of education and culture.
    An entrepreneurial and cultural progress which, with the passing of time, has reached remarkable heights. The Gangemi Business has
    been highly successful, and yet it still aims to achieve even greater and more significant goals. Growth has been continuous and constant.
    Today Gangemi Editore is an important reality in the framework of national culture; its top class catalogue plays a significant role on the
    international market, in Europe and America, where its finely-made books with extensive, multifaceted contents are increasingly distributed.
    It has been said that thanks to its every-increasing cultural activities and constant industrial upgrading, the Gangemi Publishing House
    has a great, incisive potential. It is therefore foreseeable and desirable that it will extend its organisational scope and ability to disseminate
    books in order to achieve further and more important goals, thus enhancing the importance of individual and social education  ”
                                                                                               SAVERIO MANNINO
                                          President emeritus of the Third Penal Section of the Supreme Court of Cassation,
                                                                  former member of the Superior Council of the Judiciary
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