FormaMente n. 3-4/2011
Rivista internazionale di ricerca sul futuro digitale
A cura di: Briganti Alessandra
Autori: Mascitti Ilaria, Lavalle Arturo, Adeh Fayez Fok Al, Nermuth Manfred, Reilly Katherine, Guillaume Olivier, Eyck Toby A. Ten, Kaltz Jacqueline, Annatoyn Caitlin, Brininstool Ashlee, Yousif Susan, Garbett Chris, Gupta Rahul, Basili Michela, Buttarazzi Berta, Peebles Gustav, Mannini Michele, Navarrete-Poretti Rosemary
Formato: 17 x 24 cm
Legatura: Filorefe
Pagine: 288
Anno edizione: 2012
ISBN: 9788849223170
EAN: 884922317X
UB. INT. : T456F
How to taste mathematics
Fayez Fok Al Adeh
Competing in several areas simultaneously: the
case of strategic asset markets
Manfred Nermuth
Diseño de investigación para el área
emergente del desarrollo abierto
Katherine Reilly
Recherches partenariales: coordination et coopération entre chercheurs d’entreprise et chercheurs universitaires
Olivier Guillaume
If you build it, will they come? An inside look at a small art market
Toby A. Ten Eyck, Jacqueline Kaltz, Caitlin Annatoyn, Ashlee Brininstool, Susan Yousif
Activity-based costing models for alternative modes of delivering on-line courses
Chris Garbett
An empirical study of impact of green retailing on customers buying behaviour
Rahul Gupta
MAPISA, a web based framework for structural health monitoring
Michela Basili, Berta Buttarazzi
Parole chiave
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