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FormaMente n. 3-4/2011

Rivista internazionale di ricerca sul futuro digitale

Formato: 17 x 24 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 288

Anno edizione: 2012

ISBN: 9788849223170

EAN: 884922317X

UB. INT. : T456F


How to taste mathematics
Fayez Fok Al Adeh

Competing in several areas simultaneously: the
case of strategic asset markets
Manfred Nermuth

Diseño de investigación para el área
emergente del desarrollo abierto
Katherine Reilly

Recherches partenariales: coordination et coopération entre chercheurs d’entreprise et chercheurs universitaires
Olivier Guillaume
If you build it, will they come? An inside look at a small art market
Toby A. Ten Eyck, Jacqueline Kaltz, Caitlin Annatoyn, Ashlee Brininstool, Susan Yousif

Activity-based costing models for alternative modes of delivering on-line courses
Chris Garbett

An empirical study of impact of green retailing on customers buying behaviour
Rahul Gupta

MAPISA, a web based framework for structural health monitoring
Michela Basili, Berta Buttarazzi

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