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Sociologia n.1/2019

Rivista quadrimestrale di Scienze Storiche e Sociali

English/Italian text

Formato: 21 x 29,7 cm

Legatura: Filorefe

Pagine: 128

Anno edizione: 2019

ISBN: 9788849237337

EAN: 977003801500019001

UB. INT. : T716H V54g C01


Agape and Sociological Imagination: Advancement in Theory and Practice

Michele Colasanto, Vera Araùjo

Section I – Theoretical Advancement on Agape

Gennaro Iorio
Agape and Authority: Beyond Paternalism and Autonomy

Paulo Henrique Martins
Giving and Agape: Exploring Relational and Internalized Experiences

Alain Caillé
Interview on Gift, Agape and Convivialism

Section II – Empirical Advancement on Agape

Silvia Cataldi, Barbara Sena
Overabounding and Social Relations: a Study of Antinomies and the Specifics of a Concept through a Meta-Analysis of Multiple Case Studies

Izabela Wagner
Impossible Agape: a Fieldwork in the World of Refugees and the Limits to the Researcher’s Role

Angela Mongelli, Paolo Contini
“It was the Wind”. Integration and Agapic Action: the Riace Case

Giuseppe Pellegrini
Prosocial Behaviour, Altruism and Agapic Action: a Study of the Young Italian Generations

Section III – Advancement in Social Work and Social Policy

Luigi Gui
Agapic Social Work and Social Advancement

Annamaria Campanini
Social Promotion in Action: Social Policies and Social Work

Rudina Rama, Julia Hoxha
Promoting Social Justice in Albanian Social Work Education, Implications for Social Work Practice

Rolando Cristao, Marcelo Salas
Social Promotion and Social Policy in Recent Argentina

Paolo Montesperelli, Fiorenzo Parziale
Un triangolo può essere codardo? Il difficile confronto fra Bourdieu e Heidegger

Dario Altobelli
Il pensatore del tempo. L’antropologia radicale di Robert Hertz

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