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Abitare la Terra n.42-43/2017 – Dwelling on Earth

Rivista di geoarchitettura - A magazine of geoarchitecture

Facing English text

Formato: 24 x 34 cm

Legatura: Spillato

Pagine: 128

Anno edizione: 2017

ISBN: 9788849234107

EAN: 1592-860817002

UB. INT. : T527C


Editoriale – Un disastro annunciato: la scomparsa del lavoro
Paolo Portoghesi

“Tout va par degrés dans la nature et rien par saut”
Carmine Gambardella, Giuliana Chierchiello, Enrico De Cenzo, Giovanni Bello, Rosaria Parente

Environmental Water Supply System (EWss) for disaster mitigation in seismic fire – case project in Kiyomizu World Cultural Heritage Zone
Takeyuki Okubo

Drawing and archaeology: new research objectives. The case of Civita Musarna: the only full-discovered Etruscan city
Giuseppina Enrica Cinque, Henri Broise, Vincent Jolivet

The New Risking Heritage
Mosè Ricci

The Community Museum of Disappeared Villages. The Territory Self-identification through Participatory Culture and Contemporaneity
Elena Shlienkova, Alexander Yuminov

Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei volcanic hazard and Civil Defense
Benedetto De Vivo, Roberto Rolandi

Genesis and diffusion of triconch architectures in the Mediterranean. The Roman Africa
Danila Jacazzi

Where to go. The Predicament of Protection and Development of Traditional Chinese Village Culture
Sun Yidong, Bi Cunbi

Resilience of cultural heritage to natural disasters. The recent involvement of Science Academies
Giovanni Seminara, Antonio Sgamellotti

Adaptive re-use of Hotel Dajti the end of a glorious history
Florian Nepravishta

Rapresentation and historical and procedural typology as contribute to resilience
Maria Linda Falcidieno

Architectural themes and processes of conservation and transformation in the post-emergency phase. The case of Bohol’s churches
Pasquale Miano, Maria Rita Pinto, Stefania De Medici

…“dell’armonioso ordinamento tale che tutto l’edificio riposi interamente nel disegno stesso”
Rosaria Parente

The Resilience of the Valley of Temples among natural calamities and social disasters
Angela Alessandra Badami

Rionero in Vulture: the new square
Efisio Pitzalis, Geneviève Hanssen, Mario Pisani, Luigi Foglia

Between a salty land and a blue that remains blue: an architectural drawing without a project
Pedro António Janeiro

Complex representation between disasters and beauty in the territory of Castel Volturno
Alessandro Ciambrone

Wine landscapes between disaster and opportunities
Francesca Muzzillo, Fosca Tortorelli

The challenge of built heritage protection against fire risk in Valparaíso, Chile
María Dolores Muñoz Rebolledo, Ignacio Bisbal Grandal

The last fifty years: tourism policies and territorial planning in Caserta Province
Claudia De Biase, Salvatore Losco

Home Rebirth. Nirvana of a deserted village
Kang Yin

The Creative Land. Heritage and Creativity in the Neo-Anthropocene
Maurizio Carta

Circular economies and regenerative for the city. Ecology, resilience and metabolism of the urban waste areas
Michelangelo Russo

‘Impressioni di memorie’. Plural accessibility experiences in Naples. Prevention methods for the cultural heritage
Saverio Carillo

Planning in the Face of Risks. Naples Metropolitan City and volcanic risk
Giuseppe Guida

The Umayyad Mosque of Aleppo. A monument under attack
Lamia Hadda

Modern memory Palaces for L’Aquila, Amatrice and Norcia, Italy
Carol Cofone

Disaster and Built Heritage in Serbia
Natasa Zivaljevic-Luxor, Nadja Kurtovic-Folic, Petar Mitkovic

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