
Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche – Prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations

Periodico del Dipartimento di Scienze dell’antichità – Museo delle Origini
ISSN 0474-6805

Origini is a single-blind peer-reviewed journal of world prehistory and protohistory published yearly by the Sapienza University of Rome. The journal reports new archaeological research, method and issues of international significance to a broad academic and professional readership. The journal is a forum for the current debate on the basic topics of prehistoric archaeology and anthropology, contributing to the development of scientific achievements in these fields. We ask for original papers presenting new data in an interpretative framework of historical reconstruction and/or debating theoretical and methodological questions.

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Direttore responsabile/Editor in chief: Marcella Frangipane
Curatori Associati/Associate Editors: Francesca Balossi Restelli, Cecilia Conati Barbaro, Savino Di Lernia, Lucia Mori, Alessandro Vanzetti
Comitato scientifico/Scientific Board: Peter M.M.G. Akkermans (Leiden), Barbara Barich (Roma), M.Giovanna Biga (Roma), Andrea Cardarelli (Roma), Alberto Cazzella (Roma), Mireille David-Elbiali (Genève), Nick Drake (London), Anthony Harding (Exeter), Adria LaViolette (Charlottesville-Virginia), Cristina Lemorini (Roma), Mario Liverani (Roma), Alessandra Manfredini (Roma), Joseph Maran (Heidelberg), Peter Mitchell (Oxford), Margherita Mussi (Roma), Paola Piana Agostinetti (Roma), Mark Pearce (Nottingham), Catherine Perlès (Paris), Susan Pollock (Berlin), John Robb (Cambridge), Manuel Santonja (Burgos), Jiri Svoboda (Brno), Norman Yoffee (Santa Fe, New Mexico), Daniela Zampetti (Roma)
Per i numeri fino al XXXIII del 2011:
Direttore responsabile:
 Alessandra Manfredini
Comitato scientifico: Barbara E. Barich, Maria Giovanna Biga, Maria Casini, Alberto Cazzella, Marcella Frangipane, Mario Liverani, Marina Lupacciolu, Maurizio Moscoloni, Margherita Mussi, Paola Piana Agostinetti, Daniela Zampetti
Gli arretrati sono disponibili presso l’editore al doppio del prezzo di copertina